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February 14, 2007
valentine’s day messages for the politically inclined
Moderate Republican:
Our states are red
Theirs are all blue
Abortion is murder
But what can you do?
Moderate Democrat:
The war is illegal
That is our finding
That’s why we need
That are not at all binding
Extreme Right Wing
Pelosi’s a red
Reid is one too
I do like that
But I hear he’s a Jew
Extreme Left Wing
We must stand as one
No matter our views
Except for that
I hear he’s a Jew
Amanda Marcotte:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This holiday is a
patriarchal construct meant to sustain a corrupt male-dominated culture which
at its center is built upon the subjugation of women.
Planet Moron Readers
Campari is red
Curacao, blue
Add enough gin
And you’ll feel as we
Happy Valentine’s Day!
February 14, 2007 at 04:02 PM in Weekend Leisure | Permalink
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