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April 26, 2007
keith olbermann “do-it-yourself” editorial kit
Are you tired of engaging in thoughtful debate? Has the fun gone out of civil discourse? Do you find discussing how best to achieve the proper balance between competing interests within a pluralistic society as framed against our nation’s traditions of liberty and independence to be just too gosh darn hard sometimes?
Well, relief is on the way. With our handy kit, you’ll be able to create ranting wild-eyed screeds unshackled
from societal constraints of reason and decorum (all the while criticizing
others for an absence of reason and decorum) just like in a Keith Olbermann
To get started, you will need to gather the following three items
most of which you probably already have lying around your home:
- A computer.
- A Word-A-Day calendar.
- A permanent sense of moral outrage.
Now, let’s get started:
(Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to make any sense, only be appropriately indignant. Remember, the more deeply you feel something, the more valid your argument is. Just let the rage fly out your fingertips as they dance across the keyboard.)
“This is more than just mythomania (April 24 Word of the Day), but rather a rebarbative (April 2) fulcrum (April 23)
with which to absolve (April 19) himself
of responsibility.”
how much fun this is!)
“How ... dare ... you, sir?”
forget the “…” )
“This is not the mere politicizing of Iraq, nor the vague mumbled epithets about Democratic ‘softness’ from a delusional vice president.”
is absolutely essential that you always note at some point that Dick Cheney is
a liar/cheat/scoundrel/spawn of the devil/voted for Sanjaya or your core
audience won’t take you seriously.)
“This is the language of Osama bin Laden.”
(Hitler would also have been acceptable.)
“We are sick to death of you and the other
terror-mongers trying to frighten us into submission. The 9/11 fever has
is absolutely essential that you dismiss any real threat of terror. This serves
two purposes:
- It shores
up your base with those who secretly believe 9/11 was orchestrated by the
CIA/NSA/Trilateral Commission/Masons/Fox News/the touring company of A Chorus
- It makes
sure anyone who tries to raise reasonable objections to some of the measures
taken after 9/11 gets lumped in with the same crowd thereby eliminating the
possibility of a change in policy and thus
preserving it as an important source of moral outrage.)
“Franklin Roosevelt’s words ring true again tonight. ‘We
have nothing to fear but fear itself.’”
(It is very helpful to throw in an historical quote to demonstrate your high level of breeding and education. And best of all, it doesn’t even have to be correct. The rubes will never know. How cool is that?)
Was that great or what? Yes, you could go back to discussing issues based
solely on their merit devoid of personal rancor but we have a word for
that: Bo-ring! No, it is much more entertaining to work
yourself up into an insane lather. Even
better if you can get paid for it.
And don’t worry, while the Keith
Olbermann approach is clearly best suited for those with liberal leanings, there’s
something for you conservatives who want to get in on the fun:
April 26, 2007 at 12:54 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink
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» Mmmm, what do you say (UPDATED) from A Second Hand Conjecture
If someone were to compile a list of the de facto rules of modern politics, say Jack Handy channeling Machiavelli, this would have to be one of the first: If you cant attack what your political opponents actually say, make something up.
Rudy Giu... [Read More]
Tracked on Apr 27, 2007 1:33:58 PM
Neutrality is for Switzerland. We just call shens wherever we find it.
Which reminds me, there's a GOP debate this week...
Posted by: Planet Moron | May 1, 2007 11:21:27 AM
The only thing that's more funny than your rant is the barely hidden, utter disdain for liberals all the while pretending neutrality. [Omitted]ing genius [omitted]hole... Now go eat [omitted] and kill yourself. [Editor: Profanity omitted from original message. (Why? For the children, of course.)]
Posted by: Charlie | May 1, 2007 8:29:29 AM
'cept frequent like, Coulter is funny.
Olbermann was mildly humourous once, back in 1902.
That effort, however, gave him the vapors, and he has never attempted humour agin.
Posted by: Huh? | Apr 26, 2007 10:48:14 PM
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