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May 01, 2007
Reports of observed warming on Mars and other planets has lent renewed credibility to theories that elevated levels of solar activity are a major cause of global warming here on earth in direct contradiction to The Consensus.
This has forced those who support The Consensus to take another look at their models which had consistently predicted that growing levels of alarmism, increasing releases of hysteria, and the accumulation of threats and professional admonishments would result in the complete eradication of such unsettling dissent. Clearly this warrants further study. In the meantime, just assume that everyone is in the pocket of Big Oil.
Another assault on The Consensus this past week came from renowned hurricane forecaster William Gray whose research suggests that natural cyclic changes in ocean currents are the primary source of global warming and not man-made CO2 noting that while Consensus climate models have predicted increased hurricane activity, such activity has actually decreased over the past 40 years.
This is terribly unfair. No one can possibly expect nature to live up to the grandeur and majesty
of IPCC climate change models and frankly, those who expect it to need to show a
little more humility. Let’s face it,
nature isn’t perfect and sometimes, well, it's just going to get it wrong. But that's okay, because if we’re serious
about The Consensus, and we're willing to go that extra mile and do the hard work that is necessary, we can make
sure that nature fits the model. But only if we have the will to make it happen.
These various alternative theories have also begun to create the appearance that there might not actually be a consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming. This is partly because of an erroneous belief that science is a process by which a hypothesis is formed based on recorded observations and then subjected to independent verification through experimentation intended to reproduce the predicted results.
Where anyone got that idea we don’t know.
In fact, it was this very process that produced Einstein’s famous theory of special relativity. While not widely known, Einstein had originally lobbied for a far more conservative E=MC while more aggressive physicists argued that E=MC3 would be much more dramatic.
The gridlock was not broken until Niels Bohr brokered a compromise with Austrian scientist Friedrich Hasenöhrl who agreed to “meet Einstein halfway” if Max Planck would agree that m = (8/2)E/c^3 properly represented the association of mass via inertia with energy.
These developments highlight the importance of moving quickly to get legislation in place that will take aggressive action in support of The Consensus. Yes, these annoying disruptions to The Consensus may continue but once legislation is in place it tends to stay in place.
Or did you think you were helping to fund the Spanish-American War these past 100 years?
May 1, 2007 at 05:19 PM in Global Warming with CONSENSUS WATCH | Permalink
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"The refund will apply to the 3 percent excise tax billed to them on long-distance service since Feb. 28, 2003 and will include interest."
Shouldn't the refund be since the end of the Span-Am War, as opposed to 2003?
Posted by: Paul | May 6, 2007 6:20:26 PM
Zounds like aliens to me!
Gunna knit me a hat out of the new stuff i got at www.lessemf.com/fabric.html
Keep all them mind rays and reagans at bay!
Please, don't knock it till you is tried it - fancy Nancy Pelosi has an entire wardrobe done with it! Plus, she's like the cutest ever!
Posted by: Huh? | May 2, 2007 8:11:20 PM
Personally, I think another contribution to global warming could be all the call-girls in Washington increasing the temperature of the politicians as they spend our tax dollars getting bj's
Posted by: tom | May 2, 2007 1:09:10 PM
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