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November 20, 2008

pathetic plea for attention: weblog awards 2008

As luck would have it, we’re pretty good with pathetic, pathetic is an old familiar friend, we are to pathetic as Sarah Palin is to boots, as Joe Biden is to teeth, as American automaker CEOs are to an underdeveloped sense of irony.

And as it turns out, one of our readers, in an obvious drunken stupor, has nominated us for possible inclusion in the Weblog Awards 2008 “Best Humor Blog” competition.  Fraternity prank?  Lost dare?  Poorly conceived experiment in social engineering gone horribly wrong? 

Regardless, we could use the exposure.  All you need do is click here:

Help Planet Moron in their desperate attempt at reaffirmation.

This will take you to the nomination (basically a comment entry). Then just click on the little green plus sign labeled “score” underneath the comment that nominates us. 

That’s it. No need to add another nomination (they hate that) just hit the plus sign.

The official nominations page, for those interested (it's a great way to discover new blogs), is here:

But what you want to do first, is click here:

Help Planet moron find the real killer.

And hit that plus sign.

This is not, incidentally, voting, (at least not yet) it’s just a sorry attempt at getting the attention of the all-powerful Weblog Awards masters, all of whom we understand to be both smart and attractive.  Men want to be them.  Women want to be them too.  Transgender dominatrixes want to both be them, and be with them, and then tell them how naughty they’ve been.

The nominating process closes tomorrow, Friday.

Help Planet Moron break the cycle of violence.

And thanks, Jerry D.  We hope your therapy/intervention/parole board hearing goes well!


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November 20, 2008 at 09:12 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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Hey PM,

If you're going to blame stuff on both a vast right-wing conspiracy, and a vast left-wing conspiracy, I'm glad you have this blog for therapy.

Who knows what might happen otherwise?

Posted by: AnAverageAmerican | Nov 21, 2008 7:40:16 PM

Jerry D, believe me, this blog is a form of personal therapy. And yes, the attribution was more than generous, thanks!

Triple-A, "Moron-lanche" is hilarious! My assumption is that at worst, I'll be able to blame my exclusion on a vast right-, and or, left-wing conspiracy.

And as for the atheist post, I am, literally, so cynical, I'm cynical about being cynical. ;)

Posted by: Planet Moron | Nov 20, 2008 8:51:42 PM

Heh. I hadn't read yesterday's post before I commented on this one earlier, but I find the conclusion of your 11/19 post incredibly ironic when juxtaposed with today's (11/20) post, "The unshakeable belief that others care what you think" 8^)

I'm an atheist. I don't usually promote my non-religion, I just see no reason to use millenia-old mythology in an attempt to understand the world. Also, I majored in Ancient and Medieval History in college (quite a few years back), so I am informed about Western religions ... I just don't have any faith in them.

As a libertarian, and an ethical individual, I believe we each have personal choices to make and responsibilities to uphold. So I have no problem that my wife and kids are devout Catholics. In fact I sacrificed so my kids could attend private Catholic schools for their entire education. And despite my lack of religious conviction I'm delighted at the education they received ... it's undoubtedly the best investment I've ever made (you should see my portfolio ... if I were religious I'd be praying for it 8^)

Posted by: AnAverageAmerican | Nov 20, 2008 7:53:55 PM

You're way in the lead. Next thing you know Glenn Reynolds is going to be saying, "Thanks for the Moron-lanche".

Keep up the good work!

Posted by: AnAverageAmerican | Nov 20, 2008 7:33:21 PM

Jerry D. says "Your welcome". Humor actually falls way short of describing you. Your ability to defuse my frustration with current happenings is what I appreciate the most. No category for that. Keeep up the good work.
Check my budding blog and you'll note I featured one of your recent posts. Hopefully I gave appropriate attribution

Posted by: Jerry D | Nov 20, 2008 1:32:24 PM

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