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February 22, 2009
Because that $150-A-Month Cut In Gasoline Expenses Did Such A Bang-Up Job Stimulating Things…
In yesterday’s weekly radio address, President Obama promised that, "By April 1st, a typical family will begin taking home at least $65 more every month."
In other news, it was reported that by April 1st, a typical family will also begin increasing its share of the national debt by at least $65 every month.
Which is kind of a freaky coincidence when you think about it.
How will $65 a month stimulate the economy? Maybe you’ll finally go out and buy that car you’ve always dreamed of getting, provided the car you’ve always dreamed of getting is a 1997 Pontiac Grand Am. Or, speaking of cars, $65 a month is almost enough to get you a round of golf at the United Auto Worker’s private course. Or perhaps you’ll use it to go back to school part time and earn a degree. In about 40 years.
Well, at least you’ll have some extra money to pay higher gasoline and sin taxes!
Or are those the same thing these days…
February 22, 2009 at 11:18 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink
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