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June 21, 2010
Brief Summer Book Hiatus
Writing, not reading.
Long-time readers know I’ve been threatening promising to write a Planet Moron book for some time now. Long time readers also know that I’m a filthy liar.
However, I actually managed to write the first thirteen chapters over the past few months despite my many other obligations including my day job, my drinking, my blogging, my drinking, taking care of baby moron, and my drinking.
Clearly there was only one thing that I could do without for a few weeks to make room for the book.
And yes, I know I listed drinking three times but that’s only because I was afraid if I listed it four times people would start to think I drink too much.
There is a decent chance that, unlike previous hiatuses, I might actually get something done on the book, if only because I already gave the vanity publisher all my money and now they’re just waiting on the manuscript.
I am going the self-publishing route since my experience over the past 17 years strongly suggests that Planet Moron, no matter what its form or iteration, has limited niche appeal (a phrasing I prefer to the more descriptive, "actively repels most readers"). Besides, I’m hoping that what I lose in credibility, I’ll more than make up in desperate futility.
As for the content of the book, it is a philosophical manifesto of sorts, at least in the Planet Moron style. Think “On Liberty,” only not as well written. Or clever. Or interesting, original, or important.
Okay, I need to work on my marketing approach.
Working title:
How Faux Intellectuals, Hubris, and A Fetish For Democracy Threaten
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of the Perfect Martini
Since site traffic is like crack for bloggers, I would appreciate it if you’d provide me a fix from time to time and continue to check back. Although I won’t be blogging in my traditional manner (well, mostly, as long-time readers, knowing that I’m a filthy liar, also know I’ll probably still blog a bit not to mention the Twitter updates that you can read in the sidebar), I do hope to put up some posts on my progress and perhaps include some excerpts from the book. These will be limited as I’m intent on ensuring that the book will contain at least 85% original material and by “original material” I mean "my typical offerings of hackneyed, derivative, and juvenile musings only in a slightly different word order."
Hey, you dance with the girl that brung ya.
June 21, 2010 at 05:43 PM in Books | Permalink
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My bleeding-heart liberal grandfather has been sending me far left propaganda books for years...hoping to send him your book as soon as it's done!
Posted by: marty d | Jun 23, 2010 1:56:29 AM
HIATUS???? Weren't you gone last winter? And how about when J.M. was born? If only congress would take as much time off.
Posted by: barryjo | Jun 22, 2010 9:57:53 PM
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