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November 14, 2010

Weekend Pictorial 11-14-2010

HazMat Suit Not Included

The lock on my front door was getting sticky so I headed to Home Depot to get some graphite lubricant which I vaguely recalled would help.  I found a can and read the back to see if that was one of the things it’s supposed to be used for.  Here is what I found:


In order:

  • The product is flammable and poisonous.
  • The product is very flammable.
  • The product is poisonous.
  • It is so poisonous you might need first aid.
  • It contains a bunch of poisons.
  • It is really poisonous.
  • You can use it for locks.

What can I say?  I guess I'm a daredevil at heart and enjoy the adrenaline rush you get from surviving the use of a common household lubricant.


That, or it's a Clever Chinese Plot to Drive Our Children Insane

With the introduction of Baby Moron to the Moron household this past year, I have had far more exposure to children’s toys than I ever have before which has only confirmed what I have long suspected:

Children’s toy designers drop A LOT of acid:

Drug Induced


 Taking it Easy

And finally, relaxation, Planet Moron style:


It’s not that I don’t like my easy chair, it’s just that sometimes I want my easy chair to have four-wheel-drive.


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November 14, 2010 at 04:08 PM in Weekend Leisure | Permalink


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Or wish I were!

Posted by: Planet Moron | Nov 15, 2010 10:11:36 PM

Just wait until Baby Moron's toys have batteries - then you'll think you are on acid.

Posted by: TheOldMan | Nov 15, 2010 12:25:10 PM

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